X-Ray Transmission (XRT) Sensor-based Intelligent Coal and Mineral Ore Sorter

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 What Is XRT Sorter?

Based on the sensor technology and X-ray transmission technology, the XRT Intelligent Mineral Ore Sorter provides a brand-new solution for mineral ores sorting to remove the waste and coal gangue. The sorting system adopts our unique AI Computer algorithm to recognizes the internal physical characteristics of the extracted materials and sorting the coal and gangue away by the high-pressure blower, based on customer's requirements.









The Lignite in Indonesia  Is Hard To Separation?...
Intelligent Gangue Selection Technology...
Will XRT Sorting Technology Sweep... 


Email: sales@hot-mining.com

Tel:+86 028 8331 1885

Sorting by X-ray transmission according to actomic density with HOT Sorter

HOT Sorter X-Ray technology enables the classification of materials based on their atomic density, allowing the smallest inclusions in the material as well as the material composition of an object to be clearly determined and used for sorting. Location of the specific material within the target object does not matter ---on the surface or enclosed in the overall material. 

The HOT Sorter X-Ray can be used in the mineral sector for ore concentration/enrichment and for sorting out foreign materials and in the glass recycling sector where lead glass and refractory glass ceramics are detected and discharged.

Currently, XRT sorters pass high-intensity X-rays through particles to generate greyscale images based on effective atomic density. Using algorithms based on these images, the particle sorter "ore sorter") processes these images and is able to identify particles from each other, then mechanically separates them using air ejection mechanisms. The optimal particle size for sorting is a function of the ore's mineralization, the commodity being extracted and the sensitivity of the sensor used in the sorting equipment.


Working Principle of HOT SorterX®

The equipment uses X-ray to scan the raw ore, collects data from the detector, and distinguishes the ore and waste rock through intelligent algorithm, and blow the waste rock away with the High-pressure blowers.

XRT-intelligent-ore-coal-sorting-working-principle-hot-mining .gif

Main Structure

Feeding System

The belt conveyor is used to make the ore stably enter the scanning area to ensure the accuracy of detection and separation.

Detecting System

An X-ray source is installed on the top of the system and, after the ray irradiates the ore, the detector receives the X-ray signal and converts & collects it. Then uploads it to the data processing system. 

Data Processing System

Using the AI algorithm to analyze the ore image and data, achieving the recognition of the ore and waste. At the same time, it is decided whether the target ore (waste) needs to be removed by blowing.

Executing  System

The target ore is ejected away from the original route by the power of the high-pressure pneumatic blowers to achieve the purpose of separation.

Technical Prameters


SorterX: Improve Your Productivity

1.Wide range of particle size, including + 8-40mm, + 12-60mm, + 20-100mm, + 50-300mm.

2.The space of air blowers can be selected flexibly (7mm, 10 mm, 12.5mm) according to the requirements of ore processing capacity and the size of ore particles.

3.Among the range of + 12-60mm grain size, the average output can reach about 60-100tph; for + 20-100mm, the output is more than 120t / h. When processing large grain size coal mines, the output is as high as 400t/h.

4.The data processing system adopts high integration AI algorithm to achieve millisecond operation rate and high processing capacity of ore dressing recognition rate. Which can increase ore recognition ability and accuracy, improve ore separation accuracy and make the separator is suitable for many kinds of ores.

Sample Test 

The X-ray sorting machine used in the test is the SoterX, which is sensor based intelligence sorter designed and manufactured by HOT. It's suitable for the preconcentration process of ore and precious metals, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, and other types of ores and raw materials.







Dose It Is Only Used In Coal Separation? -NO

SorterX is widely used in the separation of metal/nonmetallic ores, industrial ores, energy (coal preparation) minerals, such as Lithium, Coal, Copper, Lead-zinc Phosphorite, Tungsten, Nickel, Silver, Gold, Antimony, Manganese, Kaolin, etc.

Our sorting machine is currently the only X-ray intelligent sorting machine with mature application cases in non-ferrous metal ore, ferrous metal ore, non-metallic ore, coal mine and other fields.





Molybdenum Ore Sorting

According to the basic characteristics of molybdenum ore, 18 tons of massive ore are sampled in this test. The selection ranges are from the waste rock (< 0.03%), low-grade ore to ore. The sampling range of original molybdenum ore grade is 0.01-0.1%. 

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